Halloweenie Brushes!


Happy Halloween, Tipsters! This week, in honor of the upcoming howl-iday, I’m not doing restoration, but I’m still doing vintage!


I’m sharing a few (29)  Photoshop brushes I’ve made from (mostly) vintage & public domain images.


Some of these are from magazines, mostly from 1915 through the mid 1920’s (you can find the original look of the images on about.com), though a couple are from the turn of the 20th Century.


I also added a couple newer, yet still vintage images by Seymour Reit, Joe Oriolo, Charles Shultz and Gil Elvgren.


Though this isn’t my usual tutorial, I’ll share one tip: Choose a color for the brush, put it on a layer and then go to the Edit > Stroke menu. Use the settings 1px, (color) black, Location: Center, Blending Mode: Normal and Opacity 75% for a fun effect!


If you download these brushes, please do so with the understanding that they are for personal use, only! They are strictly for fun, not to be used in any other way.


So have fun!


Happy Halloween!

Vintage Halloween Photoshop brush download (.abr)

Vintage Halloween Photoshop brush download (.zip)

Installation paths: (PC) C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop X*\Presets\Brushes

(Mac OS X) /Users/{username}/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Adobe Photoshop X*/Presets/Brushes (I don’t have a Mac – if this is wrong, or different, please let me know! Thanks!)

*Version number