Great Places to Learn Photoshop

This week I’m using my space to go back to my roots. started because I was always on the lookout for great places to learn more Photoshop tips and techniques. In this Nut Cluster special, I’ll be showing you some of the places I like to go to learn and tell you why.

This is a personal view. If I’ve missed off your favorite then please let me know via the comments below.

It appears that the volume of this video trails off for some reason. We’re looking into the problem and will replace it as soon as possible. It can still be watched although you may have to keep turning your volume up a little. Apologies, Tippy.

CS5 is Coming And We've Got It Covered

March was a great month on and it’s a pleasure to say that April looks to be just as good!

Next week sees the launch of Photoshop CS5 and if you’ve been keeping an eye on the ‘Sneak Peeks‘ you’ll know that Adobe have made some amazing additions. So, if you’re thinking of getting CS5 or have pre-ordered it, you’ll want to know how it performs and just what makes this a great up date.

Well, next week we’ll be starting a special CS5 series right here that will last two weeks. Regular authors Janine Smith and Mike Hoffman will be joined by a new contributor, Tim Shelbourne.

Update: Justin Seely will also be contributing to our CS5 coverage. Thanks Justin!

Update 2: AJ Wood will be joining us for a 2 week CS5 coverage. Nice one AJ!

As regular readers will know, TipSquirrel authors approach Photoshop with differing disciplines so it’ll be interesting to see how each one uses and rates the upgrades.

CS5 is launched on Monday 12th April at 4pm BST. (8am PDT, 11am EDT)

Closer than that, this week sees another new contributor to TipSquirrel. Justin Seely may be a name you recognise from the Photoshop Quicktips podcast and its great to have his expertise on the site.

Thank you for a great March to:

Richard Harrington – A great video on Power Cropping.

Firgs – Drawing With Photoshop Shape Tools – A lesson for beginners

Andie Smith – Adding Vintage Tints

and of course, restorationist Janine Smith and Mike Hoffman



The Nut Cluster 06





AJ Wood’s Photoshop Sizing Images
Simon’s Selective Partial Desaturation
Janine’s Do The Math
TipSquirrel’s Easy Fancy Text Top Tip

Photoshop Cafe – Digital Painting Techniques

Digital Photography School – How to Use Textures to Enhance Your Photographs

The Chronicles of Narnia Logo

80’s Style Design Using Photoshop

Fudge Graphics – Light Grunge Textures: 14 Free Hi-Res Photoshop Brushes

Rolled Paint Photoshop Brushes

Pixelactic – 20+ Impressive Collection of FREE Photoshop Brush Sets

Kelby Training – Outrageous 3D With Photoshop CS4 Extended

Photoshop Notepad

Mehmet Ozgur Arts
Thanks to;

AJ Wood

Simon Rudd

Janine Smith

The Nut Cluster 05



Links mentioned in this episode:

AJ Wood

Layers Magazine

Simon Rudd

Janine Smith – Landailyn Research & Restoration

Colourburned – Stunning Smoke Effects: 42 High Resolution Photoshop Brushes

Textures – Deviant art

Fonts Used In Logos of Popular Websites

Second Picture – Radial Blur in Photoshop

Gavin Hoey – Video tutorials

Deke McClelland – Photoshop Top 40, Feature #39: Layer Comps

Preset Heaven

Flickr Essential Training –

The Nut Cluster 04 : Big Blog Week

Hello and thank you for visiting!

Links Mentioned In This Weeks Podcast

Ashu Mittal Flckr Page

Simon Rudd’s Website

Janine Smith at Landailyn

Golden Fire Text

Blend modes

26 Professional Photoshop Retouching Tutorials

Photoshop CS4: Selections in Depth with:Jan Kabili

Final Cut Pro 6 with Photoshop CS3 Integration

Professional Photographic Retouching Tutorial (40Mins, Start-To-Finish)

Advanced Photoshop

Digital Photo

Screen Jelly

Dave Cross Twitter

Allt Eller Inget

Scott Kelby’s Second Annual PhotoWalk

The Learning Curve Begins

Never have I had to work so hard for five minutes, <Insert rude joke here if you wish> but with a lot of shouting beating of fists and the odd cry of “what the heck am I doing?” its finished. The Nut Cluster is officially launched.

Your feedback and sugestions would be greatfully received.


Update for Camera Raw and Lightroom

Kelby Training

Planet Photoshop

PixelPerfect at Revision 3

Photoshop Made Easy

Photoshop Daily – Freebies

Little Box of Ideas – Icon Font Collection